Job Vacancy
Personal Assistant
We are looking for one responsible, versatile, and highly-organized personal assistant to perform with variety tasks in Everard-Grey Manor.
Memahami dan mampu menjalankan norma kehidupan dengan baik. Hal ini termasuk mengamalkan tiga kata ajaib dalam keseharian, menjaga sikap dan perkataan, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang tengah atau telah diperbuat.
Merupakan penduduk yang berafiliasi dengan Wizarding Britain. Statusnya haruslah siswa tingkat dua sampai dengan tujuh atau alumni. Siswa tingkat satu bisa melamar, dengan catatan telah naik kelas saat penandatangan kontrak dilakukan. Tidak masalah apabila sudah memiliki pekerjaan selain asisten pribadi karena posisi yang ditawarkan bukan pekerjaan tetap.
Memiliki minimal satu dari kemampuan strong communications skills, flexible personality, time management skills, cooperation, active listening skills, curiosity and research ability, attention to detail, common sense, dan multitasking.
Asisten pribadi akan berurusan langsung dengan kami, sehingga tak jarang akan diutus sebagai tangan kanan kami. Tugas umum dari posisi tersebut antara lain mengingatkan sesuatu, mengagendakan kegiatan, mendata dan berbelanja kebutuhan bulanan, mengirimkan visualisasi hadiah tertentu untuk rekan kami yang berulang tahun, merawat burung hantu dalam hal ini mengawasi kepergian dan kepulangannya, mengelola data keuangan yang dalam praktiknya termasuk mencatat dan mengawasi pemasukan sekaligus pengeluaran. Berhubung saat ini kami telah memiliki satu orang asisten pribadi, maka tugas dan tanggung jawab yang dipikul akan dibagi secara merata.
Sistem kerja yang fleksibel dan terarah dengan jelas.
Kami menggunakan sistem kontrak yang dapat dihentikan maupun diperbarui setiap enam bulan sekali.
Daftar pekerjaan telah disusun dengan jelas, yang dalam pelaksanaannya akan kami bimbing hingga bisa.
Mendapatkan gaji sesuai kesepakatan bersama.
Terdiri dari gaji pokok, tunjangan profesi, serta tunjangan masa kerja per-bulan dengan jumlah tetap.
Nominal bersih berkisar 7,500 galleon per-orang yang bisa bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu dan bobot tugas.
Mendapatkan tunjangan hari raya dan tunjangan pensiun.
Kompensasi atas suatu acara juga bisa didapatkan tergantung ada atau tidaknya acara tertentu yang dapat memengaruhi pekerjaan ini.
Mendapatkan fasilitas tambahan.
Disediakan hunian khusus yang bisa ditempati secara cuma-cuma apabila pelamar yang diterima sudah lulus, tetapi belum memiliki hunian tetap.
Dukungan berupa moral dalam hal yang berhubungan di dalam maupun di luar ranah pekerjaan dengan porsi yang semestinya.
Mendapatkan sertifikat pengalaman kerja.
Apabila mengundurkan diri sesuai dengan prosedur.
Kami akan mencantumkan nilai dan kemampuan yang Anda kuasai selama berperan sebagai asisten kami nantinya.
About the job? If you enjoy organized work, love playing with words, and need something to discipline yourself, taking care of Leoranos and Romeo and sending them to Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade will be an enjoyable experience. Plus, your time spent looking after the manor. Warm responses from many people, due to the letters you send, will make your day enjoyable. As for the salary? I’m confident that you’ll receive a fitting amount. So, after hearing my story, you should be interested. Because even I am sad to leave it, I don’t regret ever applying. So, how about it? Are you ready to give it a try?
Hello, for those of you who are reading this. You should be interested in this job, shouldn’t you? Let me share my testimony. So, the manor with the address M1-111 is an extraordinary place for you to write your story, learn, and shape yourself. Why? Because this place is a beautiful flower garden. Why can I say that? I began with two great figures inside, Professor Everard and Chief Grey. They are the warmest figures, like freshly baked cookies on a cold evening. Their words and behavior are truly captivating. You will find the wisdom of elders in them. They are wise and great individuals, ready to help you become a better person.
Ellowyn Bletchley
Every day, I’m greeted by the sight of a garden bursting with flowers and fruits—it’s like a scene from a fairy tale! And guess what? Chief Grey and Professor Everard, also support me while I am studying, yep, as my parents at school! Sometimes, I sneak a snack or two from the Manor when Bunda is baking or cooking. Shh, don’t tell! But the real excitement comes when Sirhea and I team up to pack presents for the wonderful citizens of Hogwarts! While I may not be as skilled at writing heartwarming letters as Sirhea, I sure can wrap a present with flair! Oh, and the best part? I’ve made two new feathered friends, Leo and Meo, who have become fast pals with my owlet, Peach. It’s an inseparable trio, just like me, Sirhea and Kak Owyn! Our adventures at M1-111 are just beginning, and I can’t wait to share every magical moment with you. So, are you ready to join us on this heartwarming journey? Let’s dive in together!
Once upon a time, I never imagined myself working at M1-111, though I’ve always had a soft spot for the number! The idea of being personal assistant for HW1 (Hogwarts’ number 1) was a bit intimidating for me, skshskshs! But despite my nerves, I gathered up my courage and submitted my application with my dear friend, Sirhea. We practiced, researched, and prepared together, and guess what? Our efforts paid off! We were chosen! And oh, let me tell you about the magic that unfolded at M1-111! It’s not just a workplace; it’s a place where my relationships and emotions deepen. I have never felt more grateful, surrounded by colleagues who are not only professional but also incredibly supportive.
Wrightia Arcturus
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